6:00pm | ‘Meet and Greet’ – White Bull Tavern
A casual evening for delegates to network prior to the forum. |
Day one
6:45 | Registration Open Location – Roma Cultural Centre |
7:30 | Buses depart for the property tour |
Property tour
John & Angela Frith, Glen Arden Cattle Co Michael Wellington, Bush Agribusiness "Identifying the Barriers to Profitable Beef Production" |
11:35 | Buses depart from property |
Official welcome & launch of YBPF
Joy McClymont, MC |
Exhibitor introductions | |
12:55 | Lunch |
1:35 | Michael Crowley, MLA
"Investments Shaping the Future" |
2:00 | Dalene Wray, OBE Organics
'Thinking big and doing good' |
2:30 | Brad James, Rabobank
“Our Competitive Landscape." |
3:00 | Afternoon Tea – Thanks to RFDS, Drought Wellbeing Service |
3:30 | David & Prue Bondfield, Palgrove |
4:10 | Panel discussion |
4:30 | Day 1 Wrap Up – Joy McClymont, MC |
4:45 | FFN AGM Location- Ernest Brock Room |
5:15 | FFN AGM Concludes |
7:00 | TopX YBPF Dinner & Auction
Location - Explorers Inn, Dress Code – Cocktail Guest speakers – Trademutt duo Auction procees will go towards mental health and youth personal developement |
Day two
FRIDAY, 16 NOV 2018
8:30 | Joy McClymont, Off The Track Training
"Going somewhere in the middle of nowhere." |
8:45 | Angus Gidley-Baird, Rabobank
“To infinity and beyond – what does the new food future mean for beef producers?” |
9:10 | Georgie Aley, KPMG
"Shaping a career in agriculture - my reflections." |
9:40 | Bart Davidson, Maia Grazing
"Making better decisions using IT and data you didn't know you have" |
10:10 | Morning Tea – Thanks to |
10:40 | Robert Herrmann, Mecardo
"Should sheep be considered as an option for pastoral zones." |
11:30 | Breakout sessions |
“Room A” | |
Brigid & Owen Price, Arcadia Valley producers
"Streamlining your beef enterprise for the future." |
Bec Beissel, Maranoa Beef
"Plating up the ultimate eating experience." |
“Room B” Sheep focused session |
Rod Miller, AWN
"A new age global opportunity for Queensland Merino Wool and sheep." |
Jesse Moody, Cunnamulla grazier
"Sheep Thrills. How do sheep stack up today?" |
Tom Perkins, Dirranbandi grazier
"Have you thought about sheep?" |
12:40 | Lunch |
1:20 | Sam Marwood, Cultivate Farms
"Would you hand your farm onto kids that aren't your own?" |
1:45 | Tim Pryor, StockCo Australia
"Unconventional is the new Conventional." |
2:15 | Bryce Camm, Camm Agricultural Group |
2:45 | Mark Westcott, The Strategic Evolution
"The 5 key questions to start the conversation with your parents." |
3:10 | Afternoon Tea |
3:40 | Robert Wyld, Sapien Technology
"Exposing the power of crush-side data." Tony Koch, QRIDA "Getting started - some hints and ideas" |
4:05 | Rick Ford, Hancock Agriculture
"Innovation in Agriculture." |
4:45 | Emily Pullen, Jim’s Jerky
"Lukewarm is no good" |
5:15 | YBPF recap & prizes drawn |
5:30 | Sundowner – RSL Hall - Thanks to The Right Mind |