


6:00pm ‘Meet and Greet’ – White Bull Tavern

A casual evening for delegates to network prior to the forum.

Day one


6:45 Registration Open Location – Roma Cultural Centre
7:30 Buses depart for the property tour


Property tour

John & Angela Frith, Glen Arden Cattle Co

Michael Wellington, Bush Agribusiness

"Identifying the Barriers to Profitable Beef Production"

11:35 Buses depart from property


Official welcome & launch of YBPF

Joy McClymont, MC
Megan Davies, FFN Chair
Maranoa Councillor

Exhibitor introductions
12:55 Lunch
1:35 Michael Crowley, MLA

"Investments Shaping the Future"

2:00 Dalene Wray, OBE Organics

'Thinking big and doing good'

2:30 Brad James, Rabobank

“Our Competitive Landscape."

3:00 Afternoon Tea – Thanks to RFDS, Drought Wellbeing Service
3:30 David & Prue Bondfield, Palgrove
4:10 Panel discussion
4:30 Day 1 Wrap Up – Joy McClymont, MC
4:45 FFN AGM Location- Ernest Brock Room
5:15 FFN AGM Concludes
7:00 TopX YBPF Dinner & Auction

Location - Explorers Inn,  Dress Code – Cocktail

Guest speakersTrademutt duo

Auction procees will go towards mental health and youth personal developement

Day two

FRIDAY, 16 NOV 2018

8:30 Joy McClymont, Off The Track Training

"Going somewhere in the middle of nowhere."

8:45 Angus Gidley-Baird, Rabobank

“To infinity and beyond – what does the new food future mean for beef producers?”

9:10 Georgie Aley, KPMG

"Shaping a career in agriculture - my reflections."

9:40 Bart Davidson, Maia Grazing

"Making better decisions using IT and data you didn't know you have"

10:10 Morning Tea – Thanks to
10:40 Robert Herrmann, Mecardo

"Should sheep be considered as an option for pastoral zones."

11:30 Breakout sessions
“Room A”
Brigid & Owen Price, Arcadia Valley producers

"Streamlining your beef enterprise for the future."

Bec Beissel, Maranoa Beef

"Plating up the ultimate eating experience."

“Room B”

Sheep focused session

Rod Miller, AWN

"A new age global opportunity for Queensland Merino Wool and sheep."

Jesse Moody, Cunnamulla grazier

"Sheep Thrills. How do sheep stack up today?"

Tom Perkins, Dirranbandi grazier

"Have you thought about sheep?"

12:40 Lunch
1:20 Sam Marwood, Cultivate Farms

"Would you hand your farm onto kids that aren't your own?"

1:45 Tim Pryor, StockCo Australia

"Unconventional is the new Conventional."

2:15 Bryce Camm, Camm Agricultural Group
2:45 Mark Westcott, The Strategic Evolution

"The 5 key questions to start the conversation with your parents."

3:10 Afternoon Tea
3:40 Robert Wyld, Sapien Technology

"Exposing the power of crush-side data."

Tony Koch, QRIDA

"Getting started - some hints and ideas"

4:05 Rick Ford, Hancock Agriculture

"Innovation in Agriculture."

4:45 Emily Pullen, Jim’s Jerky

"Lukewarm is no good"

5:15 YBPF recap & prizes drawn
5:30 Sundowner – RSL Hall - Thanks to The Right Mind