Joy McClymont, Off The Track Training - YBPF 2024 MC
The YBPF committee is excited to welcome Joy McClymont back to the stage as our MC for the 2024 Young Beef Producers Forum! We are excited to have Joy along to bring a whole lot of fun and enthusiasm to the event; whilst keeping people ‘on track’ throughout the big days with some incentives (not to be late or run over time).
Joy McClymont is an inspirational, down to earth Aussie outback mum of 4 who is dedicated to providing access to top level fitness, nutrition and motivational strategies for people in any location. Whether in remote or inner city, Joy provides an opportunity for anyone to feel supported, connected and motivated through her company, ‘Off the Track Training’. Her vision is providing simple, fun and achievable solutions for health and wellbeing that her clients absolutely love.
Having personally experienced the isolation of being a young mum wanting to regain her own health and well-being with no availability of gyms, fitness groups or alike, Joy began to think out of the box. She began integrating fitness into everyday life with resources already available to her: a rock, a tree stump, a step, a can of beans or nothing but a wall and a floor. Joy brings to light that the possibility of great health is possible whatever the location or fitness level- and- its easier than people think.
Through her role as a Personal Trainer and Health and Fitness Motivator, Joy has assisted many people in tackling chronic disease, improving self-image and developing a positive ‘can do- attitude. Her clients report the benefits in other areas including personal relationships, family, work and business a result of improving their health through Joy’s sessions.
As well as doing ALL this, Joy also runs a rural sheep and cattle property at Longreach with her husband whilst raising and home schooling four young children (maybe Joy is Superwomen..). Her background includes primary school teaching, being the school principal, achieving the Former Half and Ironman Triathlon in France, Australia & Hawaii, endurance mountain bike riding and trekking and winning the QRRRWN 2015 Strong Women Leaders Award in Business, and more recently as Fitness Australia’s Active Achiever for 2016, as well as various other health and fitness training.
Joy is on a mission to build a society where being in fantastic health is the norm and is recognized as the most critical factor in living a quality life.

Dr Chris Parker, CEO Cattle Australia
Dr Parker is a beef producer, respected veterinarian and the current Chief Executive Officer of Cattle Australia.
A staunch advocate for the Australian grass-fed beef industry on a local, national and global scale, Dr Parker brings to the role immense technical knowledge and a deep understanding of government, policy and trade.
His extensive career has included key leadership roles with great relevance to Australian grass-fed beef production, including most recently as First Assistant Secretary Biosecurity Animal Division and National Animal Disease Preparedness Coordinator within the Australian Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF).
At the helm of Cattle Australia since November 2023, Dr Parker’s focus is on working in collaboration with the organisation’s Board and members to be a powerful voice representing grass-fed cattle producers throughout the country.

Angus Gidley-Baird
Angus is a Senior Analyst in the RaboResearch Food & Agribusiness Research team, responsible for research and analysis on the local and global animal protein sectors.
In his role, Angus provides regular market updates on beef, sheepmeat, pork, poultry and seafood markets. He is the lead author on the Rabobank global beef quarterly and writes the Australian beef seasonal outlook. Furthermore he develops and writes feature research, providing knowledge and insights on key industry issues. Recent reports include looking at livestock supply chain management of GHG emissions, growth in grainfed beef markets, forward and value based marketing for beef, and global demand outlook for sheepmeat. Angus is a regular public speaker at farmer and industry events and also produces podcasts as part of the RaboResearch team communications.

Angus and Sally McGilvray, Womblebank Cattle Co.
Angus and Sally McGilvray are the owners of Womblebank Cattle Co. They have a Breeding, Growing and Beef Trading Operation over three properties in South West QLD. The engine room of the Business is “Womblebank’” a 24,000Ha Breeding and growing property between Mitchell and Injune. They also have growing properties at Hannaford and Moonie.
They focus on Reproduction rate, genetics, expressing the genetics, quick Kilograms of beef out the gate, analysing and benchmarking the business, cattle and properties.
Angus’s passion is genetics and breeding while Sally has an accounting background. They have three children Molly a nurse and Lucy and Mac both in Agriculture and love that all are interested in the business.
They have developed Womblebank Composite herd comprised of Industry leading genetics from across breeds. The herd is one of the most fertile and productive in the Bush AgriBusiness data set.

Kaitie Nash is a city girl turned First Time Farmer, navigating the challenges of rural life with humour and humility. Since joining her husbands family farm in 2018, Kaitie has faced numerous challenges that tested her resilience and determination.
In November 2023, she chose to share her journey online, connecting with people worldwide and showcasing the realities of farm life. Through her authentic storytelling, Kaitie aims to inspire others as they embark on their first time farmer journeys, by providing a sense of belonging and raising awareness about the importance of Agriculture in our lives.

Julie McDonald, Chief Financial Officer at MDH Pty Ltd
Julie McDonald CPA, GAICD
Julie is the Chief Financial Officer of MDH Pty Ltd, a family owned and operated large scale beef cattle enterprise with a spread of country across Queensland. Julie has been in the northern beef industry for over 25 years, and is based in the Cloncurry region. She is an advocate for attracting, retaining and supporting young people in agriculture.
Julie was a mentor in the Graeme Acton Beef Connections Program for both the 2018 and 2021 Beef Australia events, the inaugural Advancing Beef Leaders program, and has been a judge and host for the Zanda McDonald Award since the awards inception in 2014. These programs offer significant learning and mentoring opportunities for those working in the agricultural sector who are under 35 years of age.
Julie is a director of the Australian Stockman’s Hall of Fame, The Zanda McDonald Award Foundation and Marcus Oldham College. Julie is the elected grass-fed producer representative on the MLA board selections committee, and chairs the Agforce QLD Market Access Coordination Group.

Eustie Hill, Tooloombilla Partnership
Eustie Hill lives at ‘Boondee’, Hannaford Qld with his wife Hannah and two children, Sophie 3, Angus 1. Eustie grew up at ‘Tooloombilla’ Mitchell and went to boarding school in Brisbane. After completing grade 12 in 2005, Eustie spent two years working on irrigation, dryland, and livestock properties, as well as doing a bit of contract fencing around Goondiwindi. He then went traveling around South America and England for 2 years. Whilst overseas, he worked with horses before returning home in 2010.
Eustie completed a diploma in Agriculture at Marcus Oldham College in 2012. Since then, for the past 12 years, Eustis has been working in the family business.
In partnership with his brother George and his family, the Hill Family owns and manages the family business Tooloombilla Partnership. The Hill’s manage 3 properties running 5000 AE between them. The business focuses on breeding and backgrounding, with the progeny targeting the heavy feedlot market.
Eustie’s Interests: Horses, Cattle, Sport, Travel

Julia Harkin, Qld Biosecurity Mates Ambassador

David Littleproud MP
David Littleproud was elected to the House of Representatives for Maranoa, Queensland, in 2016, and is the Leader of the National Party.
From Chinchilla to owning a business in Warwick and working in agribusiness across various towns, my journey has deeply connected me to the small business and agricultural sectors’ impact on Maranoa’s economy. This experience fuels my dedication to advancing economic development and securing a thriving future for our community’s health, education, and business sectors.

Professor Ben Hayes, Zero Net Emissions Agriculture CRC
Professor Ben Hayes is a renowned researcher in the field of genetic improvement of livestock, crops, pastures, and aquaculture species. Ben is the Research Director at Zero Net Emissions Agriculture CRC and is responsible for overseeing the delivery of trail-blazing projects to reduce emissions from Australian agriculture.

Lisa Hewitt, Elders State General Manager Qld / NT
Lisa Hewitt is the Elders State General Manager for Queensland and the Northern Territory, and a non-executive director of the Northern Australian Infrastructure Facility.
Lisa grew up on a cattle property in Queensland and has always enjoyed being hands-on. She is an accountant by trade, with experience in insolvency with Ferrier Hodgson and later across several finance roles with ANZ.
At ANZ, Lisa worked and led teams in corporate and middle market lending, as well as managing high-risk lending across Queensland, New South Wales, and the Northern Territory. Lisa also holds a Master of Business Administration (MBA) in Finance.
A highly regarded business leader in northern Australia, with a wide network and a deep understanding and connection to agriculture, Ms Hewitt is just as comfortable in the boardroom as she is in the paddock.
As the first ever female State General Manager for Elders, Lisa is responsible for leading the direction and strategy of Elders’ business in Queensland and the NT.

Cam Griffin, The Grazing Game podcast
Born and raised in Cairns, Far North Queensland, Cam has always had a passion for the Australian landscape and the diversity of animals that inhabit it. Positive that this was his calling it became clear that the best way to combine the two was to pursue farming, where he attended the University of Queensland and completed a Bachelor of Agricultural Business. However, his experiences within conventional farming operations unveiled a disconcerting truth: modern agriculture's relentless pursuit of mass production at the lowest cost has led to the degradation of topsoil and a decline in human health, divorced from environmental and consumer well-being.
Driven by a desire for a more sustainable path, Cam fortuitously discovered the Regenerative Agriculture movement. Aligned with his beliefs in holistic land and livestock stewardship, this movement offered hope for a more natural alternative. Cam's journey took a turn when he embraced the idea that controlling land was more pivotal than owning it. In 2019, he acquired his first lease, and the journey toward a regenerative grazing enterprise began.
Four years later, Binowee Family Grazing operates across 270 acres on six different lease farms in Queenslands South Burnett. Their core approach involves high-density rotational grazing, emulating nature's blueprint and promoting land healing. By mimicking natural grazing patterns, they aim to optimise profitability while nurturing the land, proving that sometimes, nature's wisdom is the ultimate guide to sustainability.

John and Lexie Hauff, Lachlan Hughes Foundation
John and Lexie Hauff are generational cattle producers who live on a Hereford cattle property near Blackall. Deeply committed to their land, they focus on regenerative farming practices to ensure its longevity for future generations. They are currently participating in the Lachlan Hughes Foundation Program, which emphasizes soil health and sustainable land management. Their one-year-old daughter, Dulcie, is a part of this journey, as they hope to pass on not only the farm but a legacy of care and stewardship for the environment.

Josh Peart, Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries
Josh is a beef extension officer with the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries. Currently leading the delivery of DAF’s carbon workshops across Queensland to the extensive livestock industry, he started as a researcher of carbon and environmental markets with the Method to Market project.
The firm background he has acquired in the scientific processes in emission cycles has lead Josh to investigate a wide range of aspects related to carbon opportunities on grazing land. Of particular interest has been the methane cycle, carbon and climate neutrality for livestock, and maintaining biodiversity on productive landscapes.
Having been raised on a beef cattle operation north of Injune, Josh’s primary focus is providing the information producers require to make informed decisions surrounding carbon and environmental markets.

Jordan Minniecon, Technical Services Manager, Lallemand Animal Nutrition
Jordan has been part of the technical services team with Lallemand since starting in 2016. Based in Toowoomba, Queensland, Jordan looks after clients from the Darling Downs right up to North Queensland and across the broader into the Northern Territory.
Jordan is heavily involved with producing quality silage for beef and dairy feeding systems in both intensive and extensive operations. Being part of the forage making process from the early stages of planting, crop checking, harvesting, storage and feeding, along with all aspects in between, is a key focus for Jordan. Part of his role also involves assisting producers with using microbial feed ingredients in their rations, such as live yeast and yeast derivative products.
Jordan comes from a beef and cane farming family and is an enthusiastic member of the team who has an interest in the agricultural industry. Jordan graduated from the University of Queensland Gatton campus after studying Animal Production Science.
Jordan understands the value of livestock animals and how important their health and general well-being is to the overall profitability of an operation.

Nathan Lister, Technical Services Manager, Lallemand Animal Nutrition
Nathan has been involved in and around the beef industry professionally for the last 15 years since graduating from the University of Queensland, Gatton, with a degree in Production Animal Science. Nathan looks after clients from Central Western New South Wales, through to the Darlings Downs and Western Queensland.
Nathan is very fortunate to work with a vast range of clients within the beef and sheep industries, from extensive grazing, through to seedstock operations and feedlots.
Nathan’s strengths lie in supporting clients in all aspects of silage production and herd performance and wellbeing, using direct fed microbials such as live yeasts and yeast derivatives.
On a personal level, Nathan is also involved in his own agricultural business with his wife Alison and children Hugh (7) and Olivia (5). Their mixed farming beef, sheep, and grain business is based outside of Pittsworth on the Darling Downs.

Ryan Carter, Australian Country Choice
Ryan Carter is the Senior Manager, Southern Breeding for Australian Country Choice. He currently oversees 4 cattle properties and leads the development of the large-scale Wagyu herd at ACC.
Over the past 7 years he has managed the advancement of the herd with a focus on data driven decision making incorporating genetic selection, backgrounding and feedlot performance, and carcass quality with an overarching focus on delivering economic value.
Ryan has over 20 years’ operational and management experience in the beef industry particularly in large scale breeding operations and lot feeding.

Fred Clark, Rural Financial Counselling Service Southern Queensland
After a gap year working for his parents, Fred completed a Bachelor of Commerce before attending the Royal Military College in Canberra and commissioned as an Officer in the Army, serving for 11 years. Following 4 years working in Defence Industries, Fred and his wife Cath went through the process of succession with his family, relocating with their two children to Roma in 2021 as 4th Generation Graziers.
Since taking over the family cattle property Fred and Cath have applied technology, science and best financial practice to the operations of the property. Their dream is to pass a thriving and profitable family cattle property onto their kids, so they can enjoy the country way of life as 5th generation graziers.
Fred and Cath both enjoy learning and are passionate about building a healthy and profitable business. In 2022 and 2023, Fred and Cath participated in the RCS Soil and Landscapes Project. Cath is also in the 2024-25 Advancing Beef Leaders cohort.
Both Fred and Cath value their off-farm professional careers and split their time between on-farm and off-farm work. Fred started with the Rural Financial Counselling Service in 2023 as a Rural Financial Counsellor and Livestock Business Planning Officer supporting primary producers in the Maranoa and surrounding areas. Cath is a Mixed Practice Vet in Roma and in 2024 was awarded a Membership of the ANZCVS in Small Animal Surgery.

Emma Knight, Co-Chair QLD Young Producers Council
Emma is a primary producer, agribusiness professional and a staunch advocate for Australian Agriculture, currently serving as the co-Chair of Queensland’s Young Producer Council and Councillor on the National Farmers Federation Young Farmers Council.
Emma is deeply passionate about all things beef, and the increasing role Australian Agriculture plays in global food security. Emma is focussed on identifying and developing pathway opportunities to connect grass roots producers to decision-making processes, and empowering rural and regional leaders to take their seat at the decision-making table.

Sarah Packer
Sarah owns and operates a mixed grazing operation south of Roma while rebating through Murray Arthur Agencies in Roma as a Livestock Agent and Auctioneer.
In 2016, as part of the family succession, she began purchasing paddocks within one of the family’s properties. As part of the properties productivity expansion Sarah worked with QRIDA to gain finances to construct an exclusion fence for the property. This allowed for the mostly cattle breeding operation to expand into the trifecta of cattle, sheep and goats.
Sarah had the opportunity to purchase 1000t of silage with the idea of a safeguard for drought and Pimelea poisoning. She worked with Lallemand for the most effective storage for the longevity of the product. To date the feed storage has been used for value adding, drought feeding and early weaning.
Sarah is the first female to compete in the Queensland ALPA Young Auctioneers Competition and the first to sell stud cattle in QLD. Her biggest reward is being able to help conduct charity auctions around her local community. She currently shares a seat on the Life Flight committee for SW QLD and is part of The Community Care Fund based in Surat.
Don’t do something if you don’t love it. You won’t get through the hard times, hard work, or heartache, if you don’t secretly love the challenge.

Dr. Campbell Costello
How does a Charters Towers Boy end up beside a sedated southern white rhino, with an Australia made portable PCR laboratory machine?
Dr Campbell Costello BVSc, was born and raised on his family's cattle stations near Charters Towers and is an alumni of the 2010 inaugural year of veterinary science from James Cook University, Townsville. Dr Costello has worked throughout Australia and abroad in some challenging deployments. Dr Costello rode a horse across Mongolia and successfully completed the 2012 Mongol Derby, walked the Wakhan Corridor in Afghanistan to document Snow Leopards, rode horses across Argentina to map out the course for the inaugural "Gaucho Derby", worked in Africa on wildlife and anti-poaching projects, was an Airborne Veterinarian in Alaska for the Iditarod Sled Race, was station manager and head veterinarian of a cattle station in Kazakhstan, and has worked on livestock projects in Indonesia, Israel, Kuwait, Oman, Philippines, China, Russia, Sri Lanka, and Mongolia to name a few.
Dr Costello has combined his love and family legacy for bush aviation with Veterinary Science and is passionate about developing portable laboratory diagnostics that can provide reliable, quick results in the field, whilst withstanding the harsh conditions of Outback Australia, the highveld of South Africa, or the Mongolian and Kazakh steppe.

We cannot wait to hear from these speakers in Roma on 14-15 Nov!
You can check out last year's speakers here.